Emotional Well Being / Asking the Question
Dive deeper into consciousness and other dimensions by asking questions to support your specific journey and find your passion. Begin to trust your intuition and redirect your life from Spirit rather than fear or defenses, most often referred to as “ego”.
- Become aware of the universal energy and and tap into Joy
- Learn how to become nourished beyond food
- Use movement to center you and experience a deeper congruency to engage and merge with the creation in you and from Source
- Play and explore yourself holographically
Discover tools to bring more balance and equilibrium to the nervous and hormonal system for better vitality and well-being. An overactive nervous system, genetically based or through lifestyle, can lead to irritability, restlessness, immune dysfunction, allergies, nutritional deficiencies , hormonal distress, muscle tension, joint pain, weight imbalances, skin irritations and many more.
Customize your own toolkit for upgrading vibrations to increase energy and find your internal equilibrium to enhance quality of life.